Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pineapple Upside down cake

I love Pineapple absolutely adore this fruit in any form. My favorite way to enjoy this fruit is to cut into long pieces sprinkle with little hint of salt and chilly powder and munch on.

Ready for the batter.

During my college days, me and my friends used to hang out near a fruit stand where a lady used to serve the most amazing fruits and fruit juices. Being regular customers, this lady always used to keep the fresh cut pieces reserved for us.  I still remember the Pineapples which we used to eat ,they were the juiciest ones I ever had to date.Those days we used to have fruits for lunch,snacks and being shameless we were, started a credit account in the fruit stall. Credit account in a fruit stall,what we were thinking!!! I remember one of our college senior commenting " God! You guys have a credit account in a fruit stall too"!!! That was embarrassing!!! Ah I miss those wonderful days of college.

Just out of the oven.

Coming back to this cake, I  have adapted this recipe from the book Coffee cake by Lou Seibert. This was one of  my baking disaster as I forgot to add couple of ingredients and over beat the batter, which resulted in a rubbery texture cake or bread. Moreover, I tried substituting the All purpose flour with a combination of Wheat flour and Pastry flour. May be next time I should substitute only half part for whole wheat flour. I need to test the cake recipe again before sharing it, for now some pictures.


1 comment:

  1. Oooohhh..lala!!! Looks like the cake just popped out of a magazine....


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